Thursday, September 2, 2010

Space Cadet Patient

This is weird and thankfully it is a rarity. This patient called to say that I didn't clean ALL of her teeth. She said I missed a few and she wanted her money back. I was surprised and so was the office. I immediately asked them to call her back and tell her I will complete the prophy and clean the teeth she said I missed. She said no she will not return and she wanted her money back. We asked her to come in and at least let us look at the teeth in question. She said no. Some days you can't win for loosing.

What do you think?


  1. She is a liar!!! She's just trying to be a witch and get her money back for no good reason. This is the first time I have ever heard of this one but patients can be a pain in the butt!!!!!

  2. I am not sure if any of the patients asked for their money back but I have been told directly that I did not clean the max left quad. Since that is in the "middle" of the appt,I assume that they,as you say, "space out".The first time the patient complained 3 times in the same appt. I cleaned the area 3 times for her...had her even hold a mirror the 3rd time. When the DDS did his exam...guess what? She complained that I did not clean that area. We all had a good laugh!

  3. I do believe that the patient wanting her money back, is trying to scam you. She will probably move on to the next dental practice and play the same game.

    Or, she may be looking at discolored fillings, or stains at composite margins.

    Protect yourself and document, document, document!

  4. Once in a while I have a patient that "questions" whether I polished "here or there". Since I always work whether polishing or scaling in the same order (don't all of us?, I merely say firmly "Yes, I did" and will not, even if I have to refuse outright, redo something I already did to the best of my ability. Ridiculous! Do I tell them how to do their business after 30+ years experience? They probably were momentarily "napping" in the midst of "keeping tabs" of where I've been or not been, which can seem illogical order to a patient.
